It's been a long time...

Hi everybody,
Long time no see, huh ?

Well I'm here for bad news,
First, I have myself hard time finding my own password (and mail, I've got 5-6 differents e-mail, all are working of course ^^).
Second, time ... times are flying away from me, times for blogging disappeared since september.. It's been age, it seems I left this blog behind me 2 years ago. (in reality, it will be a one year anniversary for my non-blogging).

Well, I don't have any times left to follow animes news anymore, I'm fully implicated in my students life. Working, and many many things.
I'm sad to leave this blog behind... really, I really love to write for nothing, to write for people who randomly came on my page. My, I will keep the soul of a blogger, and will be back with a more personal blog, later, once I've got a correct connection at home and once I'm able to take my times to relax by publishing things for you, readers.

Oups, don't have time left anymore, I gotta leave ya.
Don't cry (I'm sure you aren't).

hum... Farewell readers, check my next post to see my new revival. (it will be in 2 years, I predict it ! hahaha)

By the way, I leave you some great source, that I often used,
- first Random Curiosity which are always at the top of blogging episode commentary (even if sometimes, it's not really objective and various)
- second Moetron !! Big fan of this site, love all the refreshing news =3
- Legendary Danny Choo of course.
- Anime News Network, to use with moderation with such excess of infos.
- It's french, but useful (I'm french by the way), Mata Web

I think, they are the main source of my information. After, it's google search mode, being the genius of searching through fake and many forums.

So... all anime/manga fans, It's a "adieu" to all of you !!!

(By the way, on the new anime season, I advise you to watch Sket Dance, Ao no blue exorcist, Steins Gate, deadman wonderland. So far as I can remember ^^)

Edit : I noticed some people wish to contact me for linking of others things. So I leave my mail here - (please introduce yourself and explain your mail if you don't want me to consider it as a spam message)


Catherine Meyers said...

Hi Evyl-kun, you have a great blog here, shame you are leaving it behind. Still, would you be interested in a link exchange? that way I will know when you are starting your new, more personal blog ^^ Let me know to send you info on my sites.


Evyl-kun said...

Well, I don't mind for a link exchange.
I wish to continue blogging but I lack free time, even if this summer I have some times, I prefer using them to improve my skills for next year.

But you're welcome ! I wait for more information =D
Enjoy your day, Evyl
